Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Appendix - Bibliography

Berube, Claude and Rodgaard, John, A Call to the Sea – Captain Charles Stewart of the USS Constitution (Potomac Books, 2005)

Burchis, Mustapha, and Johnson, Arthur M., Resting Place of Heroes of the BarbaryWars (Proceedings, U.S. Naval Institute, Annapolis, Sept. 1956, 969-973).

Cooper, James Finimore. The History of the Navy of the United States of America: Abridged in One Volume (Phila. Thomas, Cowperthwaite, 1841)

Dickon, Chris, The Foreign Burial of American War Dead – A History (MacFarland Pub. NC, 2011)

Edmunds, Melba, American Legion Magazine Report (May, 1977)

Fowler, Jr., William M., The Navy’s Barbary War Crucible. The U.S. Naval Institute Naval History (August 2005).

Hitchens, Christopher, To the Shores of Tripoli. Time Magazine (July 5, 2004).

Koedel, Barbara E., Glory At Last! A Narrative of the Naval Career of Master Commandant Richard Somers: 1778-1804 (Atlantic County Historical Society, 1993)

London, Jolshua E., Victory In Tripoli – How America’s War with the Barbary Pirates Established the U.S. Navy and Shaped a Nation. (Wiley, N.J. 2005)

Mack, William P. and Connell, Royal W., Naval Ceremonies, Customs and Traditions (Naval Institute Press, 1980).

Martin, Tyrone G., A Most Fortunate Ship (Annapolis Naval Institute Press, 1997)
[Former Capt. USS Somer]

Martin, Cdr. Tyrone G., “Richard Somers,” paper presented to the Atlantic County Historical Society (NJ), 1978.

McKee, Christopher, Edward Preble (Annapolis Naval Institute Press, 1974)

Miller, Lt. (j.g.) Arthur P. Jr. “Tripoli Graves Discovered. *U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings, April 1950.

Patton, Robert H., Pirates of the Revolution. American History Magazine (June, 2008)

Somers, J.B., M.D., Life of Richard Somers – A Master Commandant In The U.S. Navy (Collins, Phila. 1886, Reprinted by Atlantic County Historical Society, 2004).

Toll, Ian W., Six Frigates – The Epic History of the Founding of the U.S. Navy (W.W. Norton, 2006)

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